Monday, March 12, 2012

Jesus is Killing Me
You know...that old me...
with all the shackles 
and chains on her life.

You know... that old me...
who wants to rant and rave and 
have fits and pity-parties, 
so she can have her own way.

You know...that old me...
who is proud, and conceited,
who has exalted herself
 above the knowledge of God.

You know...that old me...
who is jealous,
 and full of strife and unforgiveness.

You know...that old me...
who is self-centered,
self-indulgent and fearful.

You know...that old me...
who is insane...
Doing the same things
 over and over again
expecting a different result.

Oh!...thank you Jesus... 
you're showing me little glimpses
of the promised land.

So, help me, Lord Jesus...Please...
keep killing that old me.

Because I know...
those shackles on her feet...
keep me from going 
where you want me to go.

Because I know...
those chains on her wrists...
keep me from doing 
what you want me to do.

Help me, Lord Jesus...Please...
keep killing that old me.

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